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Lechlade Little Learners history

In the spring of 1971 Lechlade Playgroup was formed by a small group of parents. The first session took place on the 7th June 1971 with 6 children over 3 sessions a week. It was organised by a supervisor and help from parents as well as an annually elected committee.

From 1971 until 1982 Lechlade Playgroup continued to be based in Lechlade Methodist church. As the popularity of the playgroup increased and the limitations on the number of sessions there were talks regarding the purchase of a building specifically for the play group but due to inflation and the high value of land and building materials the cost of a new build was soon out of reach.9 years after the first talks of a new building an informal discussion was had between the then supervisor and certain parents of the playgroup. All though due to inflation and lack of motivation this took a little longer to become a reality. 

Lechlade Methodist Church

Lechlade Playgroup project begins

Very soon after the discussion on autumn 1981 a parent of the playgroup came across a suitable building. This building was situated in Swindon and formed part of a factory complex. It was unoccupied and had been for many years. However, it still remained in a good structural condition and it would be possible to move it to Lechlade. 


Soon afterwards a meeting took place and the building was looked at. It was felt the project would be feasible but would require the backing of the community and the main committee being actively involved in the building project and fundraising.


At the next committee meeting the project was discussed and put to the committee for approval. The main committee backed the project and appointed a sub-committee to carry out the works. The intention was for the building to be complete on the 6th September 1982 for the start of the new term.  

The building project was huge and took months of fundraising to ensure the funds and an incredible amount of time and energy for the committee. Finally on the 20th September 1982 the first session in the new building commenced. The playgroup was able to increase its sessions to 5 mornings a week and could accommodate a maximum of 24 children each day.
In 1984 the playgroup was full to the legal capacity and had 3 paid supervisors. Together they and the committee were responsible for the welfare of the children and the organisation of the playgroup. This general structure is still in place to this day. 

Happy 21st Birthday Lechlade Playgroup

On 7th June 1992 Lechlade Playgroup turned 21. This was celebrated on Sunday 14th June 1992 with a giant picnic and celebration. 


They had a children's fancy dress competition as well as a bouncy castle, fun activities and a magician - Magic Michael. 


21 years of providing childcare in Lechlade was such an amazing achievement and certainly one to be celebrated. 

Lechlade Little Learners has been at the heart of Lechlade for many years now. Over this time there have been a number of changes some big and some small. 
In 1992 Ofsted was introduced by the Government to replace Her Majesties Inspectors. So in 1993 Lechlade Playgroup registered with ofsted  but would not be inspected for years to come. 
1997 brought the change of our name. Lechlade Playgroup became Lechlade Little Learners. 
Over the years the setting has seen a number of managers come and go who have all brought their own skill set and experience with them. 

2020 brought about a very different challenge. The year the world came to a standstill and we were suddenly in the middle a major pandemic. The challenges that COVID-19 brought have been like no other we have dealt with. Our families were thrown into a challenging, anxious and difficult time and we as a setting had many changes and challenges to overcome. No one could have ever predicted this major event but it has made us all appreciate everything so much more.
Lechlade Little Learners has survived the financial worries, the anxiety of a positive test in the setting and the heartache of not seeing everyone including our own loved ones. The staff have continued to work tirelessly through out and the children have shown true resilience.  

Rainbow shining on the floor.
50th anniversary logo

Happy 50th Birthday Lechlade Little Learners

2021 has been difficult and challenging but it's a year of celebration for Little Learners. We are celebrating our 50th Birthday. 50 years of providing quality childcare in Lechlade. 50 years of caring for child, giving them the best start to their education and 50 years of loving 100's of children. 


Covid maybe making things a little difficult and putting a hold on the celebrations but we are extremely proud of the achievements of the the preschool. Lechlade Little Learners continues to be popular with local families and provided good quality child care. The staff work hard to ensure all children care cared for and loved and given the best experiences. 


Happy Birthday and here's to the next 50 years. 

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